“We Plant Trees Not For Ourselves But For Future Generations”
Doing our part planting out this native NZ green belt amongst industry.
Giving back
Not only are trees essential for life, but as the longest living species on earth, they give us a link between the past, present and future.
It’s critical that woodlands, rain forests and trees in urban settings, such as parks, are preserved and sustainably managed across the world.

“The Best Time To Plant A Tree Was 20 Years Ago And The Second Best Time Is Now”
Rob planted pines on the steep sidling’s of the property in 1991. They were harvested in 2016. Not long after, Rob started planting natives. Some 10,000 trees have been planted to date. Amongst them, our native giants, Rimu, Kauri, Totara etc. His decedents will live in their shadows.